The Agreement between Ukraine and the European Communities (European Union) on the readmission of persons was signed on 18 June 2007 and ratified by Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada on 15 January 2008. The Agreement sets out the procedural requirements related to identification, return and re-admission of persons who are citizens of Ukraine, EU member states, citizens of third states and stateless persons who illegally enter in or stay on the territory of Ukraine or EU member states, to their home countries.
The Agreement foresees regular and expedited procedures of re-admission, time limits as well as means of evidence regarding nationality and origin.
A joint readmission committee is set up to provide the Parties with mutual assistance in the application and interpretation of the Agreement. The Committee meets twice a year.
During the 8th meeting which was held on 6 May 2015 the Committee discussed the implementation of the Ukraine-EU readmission agreement as well as the progress in signing of implementing protocols between Ukraine and individual EU member states as foreseen by paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Agreement.
The importance of the Agreement on readmission of persons is based on the need of joint fight against illegal migration.
In this regard a proper management of migration flows both on institutional and legislative levels is of utmost importance.