Cooperation between Ukraine and EU in the military-political, military and military-technical spheres.
Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine with EU agencies (institutions) is carried out in accordance with the provisions of:
Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part;
Administrative Arrangement between the European Defence Agency and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine dated 07.12.2015;
Work Plan for Cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Secretariat of the Council of the EU (in the field of the Common Security and Defense Policy) for the current year;
Consolidated Action Plan for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the current year.
To date, there were four key defence priorities identified in the framework of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine:
1. Expanding of dialogue with the EU in military-political, military-technical and military areas.
2. Strengthening practical cooperation with the EU in the framework of the Common Security and Defense Policy (involvement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the EU-led international peacekeeping operations and the EU Battle Groups).
3. Participation in the EU's Eastern Partnership initiative.
4. Development of cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA), involvement in the projects of the Permanent Structured Cooperation program (PESCO).
Expanding the format of military-political dialogue
Meetings (consultations) between the leadership of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine or the Armed Forces of Ukraine and representatives of the EU institutions (agencies), the EU Military Committee and the EU Military Staff take place in regular basis.
Within the framework of the military cooperation development, the Work Plan for Cooperation between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Secretariat of the Council of the EU (in the field of CSDP) to be signed annually.
Strengthening practical cooperation with the EU in the CSDP field
1. Nowadays, Ukraine is working on the legal regulation issue to deploy its national personnel to the EU-led military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina "EUFOR ALTHEA".
2. In the first half of 2020 Ukrainian designated forces and resources have been involved on stand-by as a part of the EU Battle Group HELBROC.
During the first semester of 2023 the Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to contribute the national pull of forces at the same composition as it was in 2020-1 (Marine Company, Military-transport aircraft IL-76MD with crew and Group of Staff Officers (10 people).
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine’s participation in the "Eastern Partnership"
The EaP program was launched to implement the decision of the Council of the EU from 20.03.2009 in order to strengthen relations with the EU's eastern neighbors. The program is a continuation of the European Neighborhood Policy and provides for participation 6 Eastern European countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) in various areas (including the CSDP).
Since 2012, representatives of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine have been participating in activities in the following areas:
1. Military and political.
Twice a year, participation within the East Multilateral Platform meetings: Platform 1 “Democracy, Good Governance and Stability” (issues of cooperation in the field of CSDP and civil protection).
2. Military.
Within the framework of the EaP initiative, designated representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being trained on the CSDP sphere.
In particular, since 2014, the CSDP Orientation Course annually conducted under the auspices of the Ivan Chernyakhivsky National University of Defense of Ukraine. In recent years, the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) provides the assistance to organize this Course in the best possible standards. In addition, annually, number of representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in CSDP courses abroad supported by the ESDC.
Development of cooperation with EDA
In order to implement the provisions of the Administrative Arrangement between the European Defence Agency and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, EDA and UKR sides dynamically developing the practical work within the initial areas of cooperation:
1. Material Standardization (Material Standardization).
2. Single European Sky.
3. Logistics (Logistics), including spare parts and transportation, European Air Transport Fleet.
4. Training.
Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Ukraine considers participation in the PESCO projects as one of the priority ways to develop military-technical cooperation with the EU, and improving national defense capabilities in accordance with best practices and standards.
On November 5, 2020, the Council of the EU adopted a final decision on the general conditions under which non-EU countries may participate in certain defense projects under the PESCO program.
Practical participation in specific PESCO projects will require the Ukrainian side to comply with a number of EU-defined political, material and legal conditions for such involvement of third countries. To date, preparations have been made for the launch of preliminary consultations with international partners for further possible accession to these PESCO priority projects.