Joint Ministerial Statement on the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA (Brussels 12/09/2014)
12 September 2014 22:06


Today's meeting has been a follow-up to the trilateral ministerial meeting on 11 July 2014 in Brussels and the meeting at the highest political level that took place in Minsk on 26 August 2014.

EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Klimkin and Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ulyukayev agree on the importance of promoting trade liberalisation in support of growth and greater prosperity, in line with their WTO obligations. They concur on the necessity to ensure that the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA and the CIS FTA both contribute to a more integrated economic space in the region.

To be able to fully support the stabilisation of Ukraine, the Commission is ready, in the event that Ukraine ratifies the Association Agreement with the EU, to propose additional flexibility.  Such flexibility will consist in delaying until 31 December 2015 the provisional application of the DCFTA while continuing autonomous trade measures of the EU to the benefit of Ukraine during this period.

Parties will continue to consult on how to address concerns raised by Russia. The progress of these consultations will be reviewed at Ministerial level trilateral meetings.

This ongoing process needs to be part and parcel of a comprehensive peace process in Ukraine, respecting the right of Ukraine to decide on its destiny as well as the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

On the basis of this understanding Russia and Ukraine confirm that they will continue to apply the CIS-FTA preferential regime.



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